

Job Creation

In 2014, 109,298 employed persons living in Aurora, or 34% of the working population, worked outside of the city. There are many reasons for this, such as job opportunities and our proximity to the state capitol in Denver. But in order for Aurora to grow and remain a thriving and vibrant community, we must offer jobs and advancement right here in the city. That means attracting high-paying jobs while simultaneously tackling the affordable housing crisis and last-mile challenges within our public transportation system. 

All this means we have work to do. According to Who Is Aurora?, a demographics report, Aurora has a higher unemployment rate than other metro areas. Although unemployment rates are down across the board since 2010, there are significant racial disparities that we need to address with equitable solutions that benefit all residents. 

For more on what I am doing to work towards an inclusive economy, visit

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Unemployment by Race 2010-2014

Screenshot: Who Is Aurora? Report